Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Symfony2 - Add subdomain requirement in routing

I was reading a lot about ability to add routing requirement in Symfony2.

Couldn't find any good answer so I tried to write my own.

Basically what we want: -> goes to some controller -> goes to different controllers

Solutions is quite simple:

We overwrite class that generates routing cache (even in dev env).

1. In your bundle (or somewhere in project) create routing cache dumper class:

eg. Acme\BlogBundle\Lib\PhpMatcherDumper.php

2. Add your class with overriding compileRoute function

Copy code from:
Change namespace and class name

3. Overwrite default class in config.yml

    router.options.matcher_dumper_class: Acme\BlogBundle\Lib\PhpMatcherDumper

4. Add requirements in routing
// Acme\BlogBundle\Controller\PostController.php

 * Post controller.
 * @Route(requirements={"_host" = ""})

class PostController extends Controller
     * @Route("/"
     * @Template()
    public function indexAction()
        // some code
        return array();

     * @Route("/smth"
, requirements={"_host" = ""})
     * @Template()
    public function someOtherAction()
        // some code
        return array();

Other controller:

// Acme\BlogBundle\Controller\DefaultController.php

 * Default controller.
 * @Route(requirements={"_host" = ""})

class DefaultController extends Controller

     * @Route("/"
     * @Template()
    public function indexAction()
        // some code
        return array();

     * @Route("/smth"
, requirements={"_host" = ""})
     * @Template()
    public function someOtherAction()
        // some code
        return array();

This gives us:

This should work with all types of routing (yaml, xml, php, annotations).

Why this only works in controllers?
In order to use "_host" in importing routes we would have to change couple of classes that parse, load and create classes from routing files.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Welcome to jayTeam Dev Blog

We are a group of software developers.

We currently make web applications mostly using Symfony and Symfony2. In our free time we do stuff like game dev, phone apps, hacking...

Anyway, in here we want to share our thoughts, experiences, problems and solutions related to software development and more.
